All across Oman, millions of Omantel customers wake up to good morning messages on WhatsApp groups, featuring cliche pictures of scenery, flowers, sunrises, etc. All curated by their family groups, from a far-off cousin to their unles and aunts. We all have family groups and we all get the same messages!

We decided to hack this morning social routine with a nationwide PR campaign executed entirely on WhatsApp by creating good morning greetings that replaced the cliche images with beautiful scenery, sunrises, flowers, etc. of Oman's undiscovered hotspots, and sending them directly to our entire databse of 3.8 million customers.

With almost no cost of image sourcing and editing, and no media spend – we reached a captive audience of 3.8 million people, achieving a 230% growth in Omantel's WhatsApp channel traffic, and a 29% rise in positive mentions for Omantel on social media.

Not only that, we even succeeded in reconnecting Omanis with the beauty of their own country making WhatsApp Oman became the new, most talked about morning ritual of Omanis across the country.